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January 2024

The Kuwaiti Progressive Movement condemns the American-British aggression on Yemen and Yemeni people, and considers it as an extension of the Zionist-American aggression on Gaza and an expansion of the war scope.

تم النشر بواسطة المكتب الإعلامي
شارك هذا المنشور

The new military aggression, launched by the American and British forces and the so-called "Red Sea Alliance" on Yemen at dawn today, Friday, January 12. Regardless of the pretexts, the United States and its axis of alliance in this aggression, cannot be separated from the Zionist-American aggression that has extended for about one hundred days against our steadfast Palestinian Arab people and the valiant resistance in Gaza. This aggression represents a dangerous escalation step that will expand the scope of the war in the region.

As usual, the American and British imperialist powers and their allies took advantage of the recent resolution No. 2722, which was issued by the United Nations Security Council in a biased and contrary manner to the provisions of international law by creating a precedent for the  state’s right to protect their ships and to justify their new aggression, while the aggressors deliberately obstruct the issuance of any decision that would stop the Zionist-American aggression on Gaza.

Hence, in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, we believe that the new imperialist aggression on Yemen is an extension of the Zionist-American aggression on Gaza, and that the ongoing conflict in our region is a conflict between the forces of domination, looting, exploitation and occupation represented by the Zionist entity, the racist, aggressive, expansionist, usurping settlement, with the participation of its Western imperialist protectors, foremost of which is the United States of America, and with the help of regional subservient regimes, that are complicit in the ongoing aggression on our Palestinian Arab people and their valiant resistance, which stand at the forefront of the peoples of our Arab nation and the forces of resistance and liberation that reject hegemony, looting, exploitation and occupation on the other hand. Thus, our forbearing Yemeni Arab people today are at the forefront of Zionist-imperialist targeting and aggression.

In conclusion, we reject the new imperialist aggression against Yemen and its people, just as we reject the Zionist-American aggression against the Palestinian Arab people and the resistance, and we stand in solidarity with Yemen and its patient people. We condemn any collusion with the aggression or any military and logistical facilities provided by any Arab regime to the aggressors.

Kuwait on 12th of January, 2024