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April 2023

Kuwaiti Progressive Movement congratulates Communist Party of Cuba on National Assembly election and re-election of Miguel Díaz-Canel as President

تم النشر بواسطة المكتب الإعلامي
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Dear comrades of the Communist Party of Cuba

Comradely greetings

On behalf of me and my comrades in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, I extend to you warm comradely congratulations on the results of the elections of deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power and its new presidency, and on the occasion of the re-election of Comrade Miguel Diaz-Canel as President of the Socialist Republic of Cuba for a second constitutional term. We are all confident in the revolutionary “continuity generation” led by Comrade Miguel to complete what the Cuban Revolution set out to achieve.

I would also like to express our solidarity and affirm our support for the Cuban people in confronting the imperialist forces and their conspiracies. We are very confident in the victory of the free people who expelled the colonialists and overthrew the dictatorial regimes, and that they will break the American arrogance through their struggle, through which they set a model of the most wonderful examples of countries that resist domination and exploitation, and are steadfast under the unjust imperialist siege, and determined to progress and prosper despite all the harsh conditions imposed by the capitalist world on peoples.

We are in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, the party of socialism, the working class, and the marginalized popular groups in Kuwait, value the role of the Socialist Republic of Cuba, witnessed throughout its revolutionary history, towards liberation causes around the world, especially the Palestinian cause, and your support for the struggle of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance in order to liberate their land from the Zionist occupation - the imperialist arm implanted in Palestine.

In conclusion, our Kuwaiti Progressive Movement looks forward to strengthening comradely relations with the Communist Party of Cuba for the interests of the working class and the two friendly peoples and our common struggle against imperialism and its domination of the world, and for freedom, social justice and socialism.

Osamah Alabdulrahim
Secretary General of the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement

29th of April, 2023